Frequently Asked Questions

F.A.Qs is the first place you should look for answers to your questions related to our services. We have collected the most commonly asked Web hosting questions and answered them here in a concise and detailed manner.

Q: What PHP functions are disabled on free accounts?

The following PHP functions are disabled on free accounts due to system/security reasons: allow_url_fopen, fsockopen, pfsockpen, getrusage, get_current_user, set_time_limit, getmyuid, getmypid, dl, leak, listen, chown, chgrp, realpath, link, exec, passthru, curl_init.

Q: What is an SSL Certificate?

Secure Socket layer or more popularly known as SSL is basically a software that encrypts data sent to and from a web page. SSL Certificates prevents cyber squatters from intercepting any kind of critical information flowing from the website.

Installation of a Digital SSL Certificate creates an exclusive encrypted medium for private communication over the Internet. A SSL Web Server Certificate is a must for an e-commerce business that accepts payments over a public web connection or for businesses that share private data over an intranet. It is also considered ideal for enterprises that process crucial information, such as birth date, license or ID numbers. By installing such a Security Certificate on its website a business can gain confidence of its website visitors. ovtic offers SSL certificates ranging from 40-bit encryption to up to 256-bit encryption. All these security certificates come along with 24/7 support, cross browser compatibility and full business authentication.

Q: What is the Website Migration Service?

ovtic migration service is a free service where we seamlessly move your site(s) from your current host to our very own premium servers. We understand that it can be a hassle to move your sites over to us so we want to make it as easy as possible.

All website migrations are handled by our experienced webmasters team, who dedicate 100% of their time to delivering a smooth website migration.

We are experienced in moving all types of websites, from small WordPress websites to complicated dedicated servers.

Q: I lost my username or password. What can be done?

If you can recall your username/Client ID, please use the lost password retrieval tool. If you lost your username as well, you can simply contact us by sending an email from the email address used originally for the account registration and ask for your details.

Q: How to enable Zend Optimizer/Ioncube for my web hosting account?

This instruction applies only for Standard, Power and Power Plus hosting accounts and requires to EDIT the php.ini file. Inside your web hosting account, PHP Settings menu add the following line at the end of the file:

# For Ioncube and php5:
zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/

# For Zend Optimizer and php5

Q: How can I generate a CSR Certificate Signing Request to issue an SSL certificate to my website?

There is a section inside the Hosting account made just for that purpose. You will need to go to SSL Manager section -> Generate CSR.

Q: What is a Domain name?

Domain name is the unique name of your website (like, etc) that differentiates it from the other sites on the Internet. The domain name is the address of your website. You can move your domain name (entire web site) from one host to another.

Q: How do I buy a domain name?

You can purchase a domain name from here then follow the domain registration form.
If you need help with the purchase form, contact our Sales Dept.

Q: I signed up for your service but I wasn't able to see my assigned subdomain/URL in my control panel.

Upon creation of your account we have not assigned/created any subdomain. You should create one your-self i.e. from within cpanel, Subdomain Manager section.

Once you create a subdomain the system will automatically create a corresponding folder inside your File Manager menu with the same subdomain name. You should upload your website files in this directory.

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From your small personal website to a busy high traffic enterprise, we got you covered!